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Today Will be Different available from BookCylce

Category: Fiction / Other Fiction

Today Will be Different

By Semple, Maria

Eleanor Flood knows she's a mess. But today will be different. Today she will look purple in the eye who speak to her. Today she will take pride in her appearance. Today she will attend her yoga class after dropping her son, Timby, off at school. She won't swear. She will initiate sex with her husband, Joe. She will be kind and have self control. But before she can put her modest plan into action - life happens. For today is the day Timby has decided to pretend to be sick at school. It's also the day her husband Joe has chosen to tell his receptionist - but not Eleanor - that he's on vacation. And just when it seems that things can't get more un ordinary, a former colleague produces a graphic memoir from her past with pages telling family secrets long hidden and not spoken about. Timby leave he has an aunt who Eleanor never speaks of. A hilarious and life-affirming story about a woman who wakes up determined to be her best self, but life has other plans for her today.

Bookcyclers say

Funny (1)
Quick read (1)
No of Pages: 259 pages
Published Year: 2016
ISBN: 9780297871453

Offered by

Jess F

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this text. I haven’t heard of Maria Semple or her previous book ‘Where’d you go Bernadette’. It took me a while to get into the book. It was a quick read and I didn’t really become invested. It chopped and changed a lot which probably relates to Eleanor’s mental state. I had to re read sections as I became confused with what happened as some things were described in big detail whilst others were introduced in a sentence or two. I mean I didn’t not enjoy the book but I also didn’t love it either. I was hooked with the beginning ‘Today will be different…’ thought/plan because I mean haven’t we all had days where we have grande plans for how amazing we will make it to then have life happen, but other than that it then just became this crazy, whirlwind of a story. I can’t imagine it all happening in one day. It was a quick, easy read with some humour and light heartedness.

Condition: Almost New