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The Life You Can Save available from BookCylce

Category: Other Non-Fiction / Other Non-Fiction

The Life You Can Save

By Singer, Peter

In 2009, Peter Singer wrote the first edition of The Life You Can Save to demonstrate why we should care about and help those living in global extreme poverty, and how easy it is to improve and even save lives by giving effectively. Peter then founded a non-profit organisation of the same name, The Life You Can Save, to advance the ideas in the book. Together, the book and organization have helped raise millions of dollars for effective charities, supporting work protecting people from diseases, restoring sight, avoiding unwanted pregnancies, ensuring that children get the nutrients they need, and providing opportunities to not only survive, but thrive. In the decade since the first book’s publication, dramatic progress has been made in reducing global extreme poverty. However, millions still live on less than $1.90 a day, and there is yet much to be done. To address the continuing need, and to build on the success of the first edition, Singer acquired the book rights and updated the content to be current and even more relevant. This extraordinary 10th-anniversary edition of The Life You Can Save aims to inform, inspire and empower as many people as possible to act now and save lives. In addition to restating his compelling arguments about how — and why — we should respond to extreme poverty, he examines the progress we are making, and recounts how the first edition transformed the lives both of readers and the people they helped. Learn how you can be part of the solution, doing good for others while adding fulfillment to your own life.

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Thought provoking (1)
Page turner (1)
No of Pages: 312 pages
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 9781733672702

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Condition: Almost New