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The Female Persuasion available from BookCylce

Category: Contemporary Fiction / Contemporary Fiction

The Female Persuasion

By Wolitzer, Meg

Greer Kadetsky is a shy college student when she meets the woman who will shape her life. Faith Frank, dazzlingly persuasive and elegant, has been a pillar of the women’s movement for decades. Hearing Faith speak for the first time, in a crowded campus chapel, Greer feels herself changed. Then, astonishingly, Faith invites her to make something out of this new sense of purpose, leading her down a thrilling path as it winds towards and away from her meant-to-be love story with high school sweetheart Cory and the future she had always imagined. Expansive and wise, compassionate and witty, The Female Persuasion is about the spark we all believe is flickering inside us, waiting to be seen and fanned by the right person at the right time.

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No of Pages: 464 pages
Published Year: 2018
ISBN: 9781784742379