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Get Your Sh*t Together available from BookCylce

Category: Personal Development / Other Personal Development

Get Your Sh*t Together

By Sarah Knight

Do you ever find yourself snowed under at the office, or even just glued to the couch, when you really want to leave on time (for once), get to the gym (at last), and finally start that fun project you're always putting off? You've really got to Get Your Sh*t Together. In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck, "anti-guru" Sarah knight liberated you from shame, guilt, and obligations. But what about all the sh*t you do give a f*ck about-like your career, health, relationships, and bank account? Now, Sarah's back with more hilarious advice to make life easier and better.

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Funny (1)
Thought provoking (1)
No of Pages: 267 pages
Published Year: 2016
ISBN: 9781786484086